I took this the other day

I took this the other day

Name the shop on the left and the one on the far right.
Thanks for the award points ... we bought a number of electrical goods in the Electric Showroom, and I still have the freezer (working) that we bought in the Showroom that was in Chapel Street.
Wasn t that the temporary SWEB shop after the fire. Actually I thought it was Queen Street.
In market jew st the workshop entrance was down a ramp beside the showroom and went in under the showroom, where incedentally, is the main sub-station for the MJS. in Chapel St they were by the passage way between Chapel St and Queen St. Just a bit of boring onfo for you.
The shop was yes after the fire but definitely in Chapel Street in the premises used as a studio. The freezer is a 15.8 cu ft. It is older than you, Sparky !!
The entrance for the showroom was in Chapel St, but you could go from the back into the workshops, motorised access from Queen St. pedestrian access from Chapel St to Queen St via Chancery Lane.
i think the shop on the left was radio rental i got my first tv there and sweb was in chapel st i got a washing from

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