The usual Fire precautions were carried out on the Mount as usual on a Friday morning! The sirens blasted as they should. Imagine me over there slaving away today! It must have been me producing all that smoke by setting my elbow grease on fire unless it was the beacon on top pf the castle warning of a second Armada reprisal on the way!
Oddly enough, I joked this morning with a colleague that we were going to work from off Lamorna today. This led on from the fact that the Mount was flattened by cloud at about 9.15 am as though there were no castle or trees and just a flat island across from Marazion!
Geologists are calling it Ictisuvius. Ground Tremors are considered suspicious but are denied to be the sound of the queues heading towards Rowe s Bakers for pasties.
St M M is very popeular certainly! The earthquake of 1275 won t have got past ee! It s said to have racked the whole of Cornwall and won t have helped the fabric of the Abbey! Actually, it s about time we had a good earth tremor in West Cornwall again! We need a good shake-up!
The last one of note happened in the middle of Fr Cormac s sermon over a decade ago maybe! The whole church trembled, congregation and stone alike for about 20 or 30 seconds. The charismatic Irish Parish Priest, Fr Cormac of Cork provenance, had to stop and after it, he remarked, What an audio-visual aid! I thought the tremor might be a maroon or something to mark a minute of silence close to Remembrance Day at the time! I think it must have been this one: Sunday 10 November 1996. At about 0928 hours there was an earthquake in Cornwall, the epicentre being off Land s End. It measured about 3.8 on the Richter scale.
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