Those were the days

Those were the days

Smoking whilst making sandwiches for the customer wasn't seen as a bad thing in the 1980's. This is my sister Dawn Barnes, But do you recognise the cafe she is working in?
she not making sandwiches! I think I may know where this is...but not telling, look at the hanging cabels :eek: :eek: health and safety would have a field day
Its the mill just along the lane from where the Cornishman newspaper used to be printed. They used to do the best salads ever .
I seem to remember this place being named the Millhouse....but I never knew why....and that it featured some bands that used to play regularly I have been told......don t think I went to any mind you... sad#
It's the Millhouse, the packets behind Dawn are Pork Scratchings not crisps. As to the reason for Millhouse, I think it more likely a flour store/ grinder ??
This was taken in the late 70's I think, before the counter was moved round to face the front door.

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Guess where?
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