Laundry cottage, Trengwainton - about 1947

Laundry cottage, Trengwainton - about 1947

My mother on the doorstep of her home of the time. My father must have been visiting as his Royal Enfield is leaning against the fence.
From the Lodge on Boscathnoe Lane (main entrance to gardens) you go up the road towards Madron and turn first left. Along that lane quite away into the woods and it is facing you. I have many more photos of that cottage from the war and just after. I ll try to sort any more of general interest to post here.
The NT now let it out, see (...)
Love to see more of these Chill. I only live a few hundred yards from twengwainton and have never seen it. Thanks for uploading it ::15:
The last time I was up there was about early 90s when my morther was still alive. There was a family living there then. In recent years the NT have let it out. They call it Nanceglos House. If you Google that,it is the first link and that gives you photo and map.
That is a lovely cottage and I notice that the right chimney looks like it is Dad used to work in these gardens during 70 s and early 80 s and I have to say that I can t remember the cottage being here either....I will take a look at the link as well...Thanks ::15:

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