Madron Church

Madron Church

An unknown gathering outside Madron Church. 1920's or 30's? Maybe the suits and bus will help to date this photo. (I originally thought this was Gulval as it looks similar!)
I suspect the confusion arose because the Lych gate has been re-built laugh# Actually, that may be the reason for this photograph, these are possibly the philanthropic gentlemen who had it re-built. See the original Lych Gate in my gallery.
This also can be matched as far as angle is concerned .. not the first time I have spent hours counting stones; it would be interesting if anyone can date the Duchy Tours coach.
Yes, I remembered they were Bedford, Duple Vista body ... just checked, OB coach introduced 1939. Frankly, I cannot see this happening during war years (no gas mask boxes); So it is a bit later than thought, the suits are nigh impossible to date, unlike women s and children s fashions.

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