Madron Workhouse

Madron Workhouse

The Penzance Union Workhouse Administration was set up 10th June 1837, following the Poor Law introduction of 1834;
This end of the complex was The Infirmary.
Effectively being Poor was treated as a Crime, although not seen that way under Parliament. Inmates had to work, including the old, women and children; no work, no meals, it was as simple as that;
We have nothing to complain about in this modern age.

The Poor and Impoverished

It was long ago considered a part of the responsibilty of local councils to provide for the Poor of the Parish,

in various means, mainly in the form of direct gifts.

Eventually this became changed to one of the provision of a suitable place, beyond that of the provision of an

Almshouse to one of a place where the poor were

housed and they worked for their keep, a Workhouse.

The first such was set in the South Folly in 1768 as a joint Penwith responsibilty; then in 1789 there was

set up Penzance's own Workhouse at St Clare, in the area now occupied by the hospital.

In 1834, The Poor Law was introduced, and thus the Penzance Workhouse,

falling outside of the reqiuirements was closed when the new Penzance Union

Workhouse was opened in 1839 on Mount View, Madron.

It was commenced in 1838, designed by George Gilbert Scott and William Bonython Moffatt of 20 Spring Gardens, London,

who had designed many other such buildings.

Built to accommodate 400 inmates, it was constructed for £6,050 on its construction.
The Poor Law required that all applicants for assistance, being able bodied had to work for their relief payment.

It was designed to prevent abuse of applications

from all but the really needy and destitute. It was all run under the order of efficiency and discipline, of work and the soul.

Run by Guardians and Assistant Commissioners, they quickly became regarded as bastilles in

the sense that they were a symbol of tyrrany. A not unfounded belief, as the policy of efficiency

equates as as Less Eligibility, and those who had been selected as

inmates were subjected to a regime that soon created despair, shame and hatred; family

members were separated in much the same fashion as later Nazi camps,

but with added inmates of the criminal, prostitution and insane background. All

personal identification was removed, clothing marked Union was provided,

they had to sell their personal property to the Guardians, so ended up with nothing

but a roof and work.

The Penzance pauper was masterfully provided and controlled for the sum of 10 pence a day,

half of the country's average cost to care for paupers.

In 1878 the newly formed Local Government Board instructed that women should be better examined as to background,

since so many illegitimate

children were being born under the care of the Workhouse.

Many were refused care, and those that were admitted were made to work harder. Doctors soon

became embroiled in the cost cutting exercise, where illnesses had to be verified as to its need

as far as medication were concerned became considered as

being extra to aid already given. It was soon seen that paupers were that way

because they were not careful enough in 'putting by for a rainy day'.

1930 brought the Public Assistance Institution, and it took control of the Workhouse;

In 1948 The National Health Service was introduced and The Workhouse was closed.

Part of the premises were occupied by The Madron Meat company for many years afterwards.

Raymond Forward
Thankyou for all that information. My paternal grandmother was born there, her mother was single, and I think she worked as a Bal maiden, it was rumoured that the mine captain was my grandmothers father. She didn t stay there, but she did have another child, this time she was working on a farm.... same story it was assumed the farmer was the father. We ll never know. She did worked hard all her life to rear her 2 children. i didn t realise the building was in such a state, I thought it had been turned into accomodation of some sort.
Thank you for adding that - I can only speak of the situation up until 1900; my great grandfather (Somerset born) was drowned on the way to the USA, looking for work; he left my great grandmother destitute with children to raise; the family was split, and my grandfather and great uncle were placed in the Workhouse in Salford (where they were at that time); eventually my grandfather ran away and joined the merchant navy (aged 14), ending up here in Penzance. He had training in bugle and trumpet, so that served him well in silver bands here, as well as becoming a policeman/fireman here. He then took up ships again and served on the convoys from Penzance to France in WWI, received Commendations. Strength of character despite the odds.
For anybody who has the time the Poor Law Books for Madron Workhouse are deposited at Cornwall Record Office, Truro. There are quite a few volumes. Very interesting to read. My g.g. granny was born (1857) in this workhouse. My granny lived in Redruth Workhouse (now Barncoose hospital) when she was 16 years old (1911), her brother would periodically abscond from his settlement place at Bridge, nr. Portreath and would then end up back at Redruth. At first I thought typical of our family, then I changed my mind and thought, No here is someone with spirit When he was 16 the overseers sent him to Devonport to serve on a training ship. My mum said he did very well and rose up the naval ranks. The one advantage of being in the workhouse from a family historian perspective is, there is quite a bit of written documentation about. My granny was widowed at the age of 35 years old with 5 young children, however , despite their lack of money and connections mums brother passed his exams to go to Sandhurst at the beginning of the Second World War. He became a Major in the Army. So it is possible to get on in life if one has the determination. Sadly it seemed to have passed me by!
I only wish I did have time, too much on at the moment.
The Workhouse did seem to bring out the best in some people. Well done to your family.
I remember these buildings very well. I lived with my family at Parc Abnac in Madron and the old Workhouse buildings were right behind the estate. As children we were forbidden to go in any of the buildings but of course we did and they were in a dreadful state even then which would be early to mid 60's

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