
  1. Boscawen Stone Circle - Sept '06

    Boscawen Stone Circle - Sept '06

    It was not possible to take a photograph which encompasses the whole stone circle. My wife and I had a timed race round the circle. Pity I can't show you the video clip of me triumphing!
  2. Boscawen Stone Circle - Sept '06

    Boscawen Stone Circle - Sept '06

    A Cornish name (Bosscawenwoen 1319) meaning = Dwelling(Bos) [of] elder trees (scaw) [on the] downs (an woen). The circle is not far from Crows an Wra.
  3. Boscawen Un Stone Circle - Leaning centre stone

    Boscawen Un Stone Circle - Leaning centre stone

    Presumably this stone was intended to lean though this is not certain, I believe. People talk of their having been constructed to harness some sort of poorly-understood powers such as the sun or the interconnecting circuitry of ley lines between ancient monuments, but this is beyond my...
  4. Boscawen Un Stone Circle

    Boscawen Un Stone Circle

    A Cornish name (Bosscawenwoen 1319) meaning = Dwelling(Bos) [of] elder trees (scaw) [on the] downs (an woen). Someone ('new age' worshipper with Christian leanings?) has evidently placed a gift for Mother Earth under the inclined centre stone of this stone circle.
  5. Boscawen Un Stone Circle

    Boscawen Un Stone Circle

    Sun worshipper! This stone circle bears a Cornish name (Bosscawenwoen 1319) meaning = Dwelling (Bos) [of] elder trees (scaw) [on the] downs (an woen).
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