
Picture supplied by Chris Hawkes
Captain with bat may be Clive Reynolds, ex of Long Rock. For comparison, check out my user album Penzance Miscellany of Postcards and Pictures and find the 3rd of 62 which shows Clive, extreme left, in 1965 as a Penzance scout
Just a wild guess but if the captain is indeed from Long Rock, could that be Long Rock/Marazion Station?
I agree .. the store to the left of picture is open (door opens outwards, right hinge) and in there is a series of Cricket Bats and stumps. A cricket pavilion.
The other point is that this is high summer, the paling fence faces South at around noon, the sun is most likely at about its highest (not being in Greece or Egypt).
This could be the pavillion at HDGS. The door to the far left being the entrance to what became the tuck shop. The windows look very similar to another picture of the pavillion taken from the other side on the site.
I have just stumbled upon this photo and I am quite certain that the lad holding the bat is not me!! The teacher looks like Rodda Williams and thus it would be a St.Pauls team, maybe at St.Clare., but earlier than 1958 when I left St.Pauls as Rodda Williams looks younger than I remember him.I also recall games at St.Erbyns, does anyone else remember these. Danny Hall made loads of runs in one of these matches.
Looks a bit like my dad far right, making a face, but probably isn't! I'll ask him...

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