A dead certianty

A dead certianty

It's happened to him already, by the looks of it.
Not too far from the school,
probably strained his last remaining cell.
Perhaps it's a form of viral advertising - promoting the next SF epic from James Cameron?!

Certian Doom - Warlord of the ancient race of Certians - unleashes his hordes to destroy the galaxy!

Then again, perhaps not ......
I have to laugh at the graffiti we have around here... such a laugh when it all goes wrong. I will be sitting on the council as an advisor on street crime and social impacts. My first suggestion will be to replace all walls and fences with new ones that carry at least a 50,000 word spell checker ::11:
Unfortunately a person needs to have at least a smattering of knowledge as to the order of the letters in the alphabet, and to know the different meanings of some words that sound the same; probably thinks a homophone is a gay telephone.
Could it be that an anagram of said graffiti is 'a cited moron' have any bearing on the perpetrators IQ? ::13:

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Dave Clarke
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