

The 1865 replacement boundary stone along the Greenbank.
It s along the footpath into Alverton just after The Greenbank, and yes it replaced the original. Far more detail can be found on treeve s excellent Acorn Archive website.
This is one of the original 1687 stones which was replaced because of Harvey s Tredarvah House, by the way. Thanks for the comment.
Sorry, bad wording ... the original stone of 1687 was replaced in 1865 with this stone; A road widening scheme had been undertaken (I think there were three previous to this one, starting in 1760 or so); also the Harveys had Tredarvah House built and the entrance they needed to form rather fouled the position of the old stone. The boundary had to be marked with a new stone, and the distance to the old position is marked on this new stone.
Sorry to say, but no idea, which is all very disturbing as it was the one that appeared in the painting; the other stone at Wherrytown disappeared without trace many years ago, perhaps when the road was being adapted around 1897. It does not appear in early photographs of the area.

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