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Cross spider in its web at the rear of my house.
Wonderful archetypal spider. I never cease to amaze at their hydraulic system of movement. Nature did it first.
Apparently, in the 60's, scientists fed various drugs such as LSD and amphetamines to spiders to see what effects they would have on their web building abilities. Not surprisingly, those on LSD built abstract, irregular shapes while those on amphetamines worked like crazy. Who thinks up these ideas?!
Oh, and apparently, those spiders fed on the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana just couldn't be bothered to spin a web at all! ::11:
Saw the pictures of all this once and the doped up spider was just sitting there, looking rather mellow ...
@BoP - Ha ha! Are you thinking that perhaps I have been carrying on my own 'scientific research'?! ::11:
@ treeve - yes, I was quite surprised to see the caffeine effects too. Caffeine seems to be one those things that are proclaimed to be good for you in moderation one week, and then the following week you're told than even in moderation, it's bad for you. Only a matter of time before it gets added to the ever increasing list of 'Don'ts' by the government's Health Tsar, methinks ....

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