A big Penzance spider!

A big Penzance spider!

I saw this on returning home at the top of St John's Tce. My daughter does not like spiders very much to say the least and my grandmother would have freaked out at this one and could accurately tell when one was in the next room. Personally, I love them but i wouldn't like to kiss one!
don t bring any spiders or any small creepie crawlees to me....as I will scream very loudly..!!!!don t know what it is.......but looking/ seeing, just makes me feel very uncomfortable......
They say the average person swallows eight spiders in their lifetime, usually when they are asleep with their mouth open, which is why I have hoovered the very high ceiling in our bedroom today. Living in a converted barn, I check the bed before I get in as they seem to appear out of nowhere. Huuugge ones have run across the floor and even made CW jump aaagh duh
I have threatened to collect a bucket of spiders with black hairy legs and chuck them over sparky early one morning whilst she s till in bed.... but I fear it might end in divorce read#
Tegenaria Gigantea - up to 50mm across. Beautiful creatures, hydraulics and fine tubes allow them to move quickly - they are extremely shy, and are sensitive to light and sound; females can live up to four years; they stay together in pairs ... eventually the male dies after mating, and his body is eaten by the female; I used to have the most incredible phobia about them, and believed all the daft myths that collected; I do not like killing anything, so managed to catch them, despite incredible goose bumps and racing heartbeat. in an upturned jar, sliding the card underneath; as I headed to the window/door, I became fascinated and found them to be an incredible creature. They still give me the creeps when suddenly appearing, but it is all myth handed down to us, from thousands of years of past experience in our ancestors worlds, when giant spiders were indeed violently poisonous; they became Jungian symbols of all manner of things. I think they are wonderful and rid our world of many very serious problems, particularly flies.
I echo your sentiments, entirely, treeve. As a child, my mother s fear of spiders transferred onto me, and I was truly petrefied. But as soon as I became a mother myself, I put in a great deal of effort to overcome that fear, such that, as long as i don t encounter a spider very suddenly, I am quite at ease with them. Highlight being holding a tarantula, and having no worries whatsoever. ::15:

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