A big Penzance spider!

A big Penzance spider!

I saw this on returning home at the top of St John's Tce. My daughter does not like spiders very much to say the least and my grandmother would have freaked out at this one and could accurately tell when one was in the next room. Personally, I love them but i wouldn't like to kiss one!
I echo your sentiments, entirely, treeve. As a child, my mother s fear of spiders transferred onto me, and I was truly petrefied. But as soon as I became a mother myself, I put in a great deal of effort to overcome that fear, such that, as long as i don t encounter a spider very suddenly, I am quite at ease with them. Highlight being holding a tarantula, and having no worries whatsoever. ::15:

Ha Ha! Posted twice.
I have greatly enjoyed all your comments. I have been told that it is a waste of time putting house spiders out as they invariably find their way back into a house, however, I should imagine this one to be a garden spider with the allotments nearby so it would probably be better to put him/her inside a house if his/her presence should offend anyone! I understand there s a good house in Heamoor! read#
It is true that the five types of Tegenaria enjoy the house, and very often remember the precise route that they took to enter the house, and have been recorded doing just that. It is often a case that they are trying to regain the company of their mate. However the story is embellished further by the fact that most humans are unaware that they do indeed travel in pairs, and having placed the male outside, they see a spider padding its way across the carpet, not realising it is the female looking for her partner; giving rise to that theory.
We have a false widow spider living in our outside toilet - we leave him along and he leaves us alone. Last summer he managed to catch a bumble bee - and increased in size dramatically after digesting that .... duh

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