Rather a high tide, illustrates perfectly the fallacy of believing that Penzance will not suffer a bad storm again and all the blindfolds that are being worn. Put a South Easterly Gale behind this ... It can and WILL happen. Be Afraid, be Very Afraid ....
I used to have recurring childhood dreams of tidal waves lapping at the edge of No.1, New Street, when I used to live there! I hope they were not a presage of things to come!
That would be stretching credulity, but what does stretch it even more are the idiots that have dismissed the construction of a breakwater in the Bay. A Severe High Tide, and Strong South Easterly could scour out The Promenade and take all the Clay and Sand on which a lot of footings of Penzance's low ground buildings. Imagine that tidal event happening at the same time as another Iberain Earthquake .... OMG.
There was a 5.9 tremor off the Cape St Vincent just two or three days ago:
This event is the largest event in the region since the Mw 6.1 of 12/02/2007. This earthquake took place 80 Km North East of the 12/02/2007 main shock. It occurred in the region where the the 1755 Lisbon Earthquake presumably occurred.
@trepolpen - not forgetting the evidence that Continental Shelf collapse has happened twice on the Atlantic Approaches and effects reported; certain geologists refute that as 'there is no evidence', ok no one has gone down to see what could not be seen as it would have buried itself. For me contemporary observation of the strange perturbations of the sea is enough. A ten foot variation is something worth considering over a matter of a few minutes.
I quite agree. Apart from the Azores and the Cape St Vincent areas, here is the possible collapse also in the indefinite future of the Norwegian shelf.
I used to have recurring childhood dreams of tidal waves lapping at the edge of No.1, New Street, when I used to live there! I hope they were not a presage of things to come!
@ tpp and HH - if you've any other dreams you'd like to mention, please join in the thread 'Sweet Dreams Are Made of This'. It'll be interesting to see how many people have similar dreams.
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