Bengali cat at Long Rock! - 21Jun10

Bengali cat at Long Rock! - 21Jun10

How about this cats! Bengalis, if you want to know! They have leopard-style markings. It is unusual enough to see see cats on leashes on a beach, let alone enjoying the water of the stream at Long Rock!
Did you see this one as well as the one you commented on, tabtab? This cat was having a tiddle at the time and that was why it was so still. The pair of them were on the move constantly despite being on a leash. The owner had walked them down to the beach thinking it would be quiet and she would avoid too much attention so it was kind of her to permit me to snap the cats. Understandably, she was proud of them.
The one I saw was in Daniel Place - though not seen it for a while. It was the first time I had seen this breed and was just totally amazed by its markings. Once saw a woman walking two large cats on a lead at the Newlyn end of Creeping Lane, they were Norwegian Forest cats. And there used to be a woman who took her cat on a lead for a stroll in Morrab Gardens. From memory, I think she said she lived in a flat on a busy road so didn't like to let her cat roam about too much on its own. She moved to Newlyn (I think) to a property with a garden and was looking forward to that very much. Also once saw two ferrets on a lead in Morrab Gardens too - friendly and not too nippy either!
I actually recall a good twenty/thirty years ago, a large white rabbit being carried down the terrace by a man. Though it was on a lead, it was carried and I think that was probably wise there.

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