St Michael's Mount

St Michael's Mount

Could St Michael the Archangel (Cornwall's official Patron Saint, St Piran being more properly the patron of tinners), have really appeared on this perch in 495 AD as legend has it?
Ok then - here is a question for you; The St Michael Line extends through many places, mostly associated with St Michael - right to Bury St Edmunds; was this by design or a serendipitous discovery at a later date when geographers tied up the topography?
My line manager (no pun intended!) is a dowser and he would say perhaps that they are lines of a force harnessed by ancient man, and a lost art. However, though I have an open mind, I find that ley lines are so easily to be drawn through such a variety of buildings and features from so many different ages, I am afraid that they may just be a romantic notion and the result of wishful thinking. There seems to be such a proliferation of acceptable points through which to draw them. I d like to believe they are to be believed. I know that where traditionally St Michael is said to have appeared, many ley lines seem to converge and that the once Lady Chapel (Think Our Lady ) which when in ruins was converted to the Blue Room , also ties in with this. I think honestly I must also plead ignorance with respect to this subject.
I must also add that before going up the steps to the main door into the Castle, there is a stone post, thought to have been the shaft of a once cross that is also said to have marked the apparition of the Archangel. Of course, throughout Europe, many high places both inland and coastal bear the name of St Michael.
I have dowsed, and I have to say, that a connection with forces that we do not have to understand is at work. For example, with no clues externally whatsoever, no plans whatsoever, nothing written whatsoever, I found a water course which ran underground below ground and under buildings along a course of around 400 feet. It was excavated and found to be exactly on the line defined by the dowsing rods at a depth of around ten feet. I am convinced, myself, as to the power of genuine ley lanes.

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