We are not alone

We are not alone

24th January 2009, the gentleman tests out his jetski, and the next thing, he is back to the steps of Albert Pier, and his daughter clambers on the back, dressed as young ladies are these days, no weather gear and certainly no life preserving gear. They zoom off across the Bay and stop, near 3 miles away, a fin is following them, circles around and makes a wide leap curving out of the water. I wish it was clearer but there you are, a dolphin in the Bay.
Wow, fancy that! I m afraid that they both should have known better, who in their right mind pays no heed to safety in these circumstances? Lovely to see the dolphin.
If I get on to jetski issues ... it could have been a large pod, for example, and he may have had to have swerved, and the daughter could well have lost her life .. that sea is cold. No chance at that distance from shore. This was at around 4 and it was beginning to get dark; the car was still at the slip in the car park, so the intention was to return, however they disappeared from view near Cudden Point. I sincerely hope that they got back safely. The same time, three young boys were trying to walk the top of the sea wall of Albert Pier, to get the full length, but were stopped by another gentleman on one of the yachts drawn up on the pier. I regret the world is raising idiots on the path of self destruction, only to cause grief to others and extended effort on the part of the rescuers, and responsibility issues on the officials, which is totally unnecessary and unwarranted. I despair - I believe the dolphins to be far more intelligent, and in some beliefs is thought to be that ancient race from which man descended - I doubt it, as nice as a thought that may be.
I should add that the sea was developing, along with a deeper swell. A seal was off the harbour mouth as well.
Complete and utter idiocy, all round. ( I take it you had a finger poised over the number 9 on your mobile so that you could call the Coastguard if they came to grief?)
I don t have a mobile, there is a part of me that says I am not my brother s keeper, but I care too much not to have run to the nearest place of contact with the emergency services. The young lads had a look to see if they could start off from the end of the pier, and decided that as they did not have wet suits on, they would walk along the pier ground. An incoming tide, with a wind and swell coming in past the Pier head and I would not give much for their chances over those ghost rock beds.
I thought it was restricted to a distance from shore, to allow swimmers some safety and enjoyment?
Yeah and the lifeboat crew have to risk their lives to save a couple of complete fools who should know better. I believe that these (and all in fact) sea vehicles should be licensed and proper training given. It seems that any fool can jump on one of these with little or no respect for themselves, the sea or the brave souls of the lifeboats :-x
Yes, jetskis grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. An assault on my ears while I walk along the beach enjoying its natural beauty, and more importantly, a threat to wildlife in the bay.
And exactly - why should people have to put their lives at risk to save these idiots when they get in trouble.

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Dave Clarke
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