Supporting Roles

Supporting Roles

The pillars of the viaduct, to the Ross Bridge.
I know there is rock not too deep here, at the bridge it is quite shallow, as it was Cairn Jenny, before Richard Oxnam ordered it to be dynamited and reduced in level and size.
The rock was extra-ordinarily hard; two house that I know of were built from it s stone; it was used to sharpen worktools, as it produced cleaner sharper edges than any other.
They say that prehistoric tools made from the same greenstone as that found at the Gear Pole have been found as far away as Scotland! Perhaps its hardness explains that.
Of course other forces are at work.. plate techtonics, ocean and sea currents; pebbles get taken as ballast from one shore and left at another; a stone gets used as it is found, it may not be of that landscape. If you were to analyse our own shingle beach, I am sure you will find intruders. Cliffs become rocks, Rocks and boulders eventually become pebbles, and then sand ... There is a report somewhere of ancient tools found off The Gear in deep water. Do you know anything of that?
Only that I ve read somewhere that it is believed that there was a prehistoric tool factory there which gives rise to the reason why tools from there have been found in Scotland - a long way to come pick up your tools in those days!
Reminds me of the great song (Harry Lauder and/or Gracie Fields) Keep right on til the end of the Woad .... They probably sent the youngsters down for a Cornish Wrench, and they thought it was wench. Must have torn themselves away. But seriously, that is vital, if that is true ... I have spoken with some who have denied the inundation as being local myth; if there was a factory a half mile out, I would rather expect them not to have been working underwater. I need to know more.

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