Heavy Metal Etched

Heavy Metal Etched

Collection on the North Quay.
Almost like a painting - even though it's etched. Nice. I like old, rusty metal - it's the rich oranges, and in this case, some nice blue as well.
Cheers, I am told it is a part of a scrap metal store, it has been welded and beaten into shape (always a good thing to do with kids :) ) - It must have been on shore somewhere for sometime, what with the seaweed growth. But, those colours, as you say. This struck me to be like an antique map of Egypt. But then, I am nuts.
I have seen large sculptures made from metal (not the cast bronze, etc varieties) - all straight edges and precise angles and they do nothing for me. Yet coming across something that's been weather beaten, rusty and an organic shape forged by time and nature and I find beauty in them. I collect bits of battered, rusty metal I find on the beach - the plan being I will do something with them one day.
Just as long as 'one day' happens. Sculptors like 'our own' Barbara Hepworth, Jacob Epstein, Lynn Chadwick, Henry Moore, they were heroes of my youth, and integral part of my architectural training and heritage. Masters of creativity and exploration have been relegated to obscurity by instant courses on creative weekends. Pull it out from your soul, it has more meaning than anything from these TV 'throw it togather' mob.

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