Bishop Rock Lighthouse in 1965

Bishop Rock Lighthouse in 1965

Beyond St Agnes, beyond the Western Rocks, over six miles from The Garrison of St Mary's (Isles of Scilly), stands the pillar of Bishop lighthouse, on a rock, which stands up from the sea bed by 150 feet. The rock is around 150 x 50 feet and is about as far west from the mainland as anyone can be, except barely by Zantman's, Crim and Peaked Rocks another 750 yards into the Atlantic. Remote is not a word that I would choose ... more of an alienated area of sea. Being there is a most uneasy feeling, with the only reference to reality being this pillar which points around the sky like some animated gnomon, and yet it is the sea that forms this movement of the boat, as the engines constantly change with the lift and drive of waves and current.

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