Bishop Rock Lighthouse 1965

Bishop Rock Lighthouse 1965

This is the furthest bastion of the Isles of Scilly, before land is sighted on the Americas.
An iron tower was built in 1847-50, engineers Nicholas Douglass and his son James.
Incomplete, it was blown down in a horrendous gale in 1850. It was in 1852 that work re-commenced.
The material chosen this time was Carnsew granite and it was completed in 1858.
More Atlantic gales caused severe damage and it was determined to build a granite
base and protection. In 1882 work was completed by James and his son William Tregarthen Douglass.
It is a 'tradition' in my family that we have a relation with the Douglass family, as yet it is not clear.
It is now the tallest lighthouse in Britain at 165 feet height.
The helicopter pad was added in 1977.
I think a lighthouse is a fantastic piece of work, to think of how these were built is just amazing. The logistics of doing this now would be tremendous, but in those days, almost unthinkable except for those with amazing foresite.
I have some original articles on the construction of these, but I will not go into that because there is a fabulous book out on the subject already; It takes a lot to be able to go beyond the textbook and just get the job done, without ending up like those aggressive morons that TV shows us. The boats used to take the mails and supplies to the lighthouses. No need for that now with automation.

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