Lariggan Brook outfall - 6

Lariggan Brook outfall - 6

15th March 2009
Another month and the stream is well nigh blocked, the upper side of the brook is a deep pool; the shingle has nearly blocked the outlet.
The stream used to flow properly out to the water's edge, through a wide outlet under a wooden bridge that was so attractive and lent an air of Monet to the scene. For some reason, after the Ash Wednesday Storm, someone took it into their heads to re-vamp this area into a part of the beach. Tons of shingle were dumped here. Ever since there has been one problem after another. The problem is now that shingle has invaded the 'tunnels' and will have to be cleared. These tunnels should be removed, the outlet re-formed the way it was, with proper access for all; it could be done with proper application of intelligence (as rare a commodity as that may appear to be). A weir needs to be formed to provide proper water depth in the upper levels (as there used to be).
Obviously no intelligence to be found these days. This is not very old and already not working. The area by the road is a disgrace. Started by the housing company that is now having financial difficulties? Looks like a mess of fencing and half finished works will greet the tourists this Easter and onwards. sad# ::15:
The problem is largely that there is not enough consideration of history - it is largely glossed over, it is all run by textbook solutions; Mother Nature does not read. It is run by insurers and their 100 year events and plotted risks. Mother Nature does not use a diary. It is run by accountants who have no knowledge or regard for anything except their own pockets. Mother Nature does not have a bank account. I believe in history and watching what happens - it was the way in which I covered my career.

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