Perran Lost - 1

Perran Lost - 1

The loss of the egg packing factory was but a small portion of what has been happening in times past - the loss of the entire infrastructure of employment and the destruction of these communities. This (like all the others that died) was not some overnight concern that drew up their business plans and got bank loans just to start a business, paying off the loan through their hard work, and then realising that reality is harder and more cruel than any business plan. Dreams do not equate with the Real World. These were very old established firms with an ongoing trade, and ongoing employment and an ongoing society, all of which required support networks - even they have now gone, as society gets ever deeper into the need for self sufficiency and bank loans to get them through life. The people who worked here had no chance of a free pass to a new life.
I guess an eggsplanation is required in that he had to shell out more than had. ::15:

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