Ponsandane Brook - 1

Ponsandane Brook - 1

As it emerges from the area of the old Vellanhoggan Mill.
Myself, I do not think that there is anything very super about a market that considers destroying this. ...
This subject seems to have gone quiet. Can anyone confirm or refute the supposed supermarket plans? I d be grateful for any snippet of information; after all, every little helps!
What if I offer loyalty card points for any news? laugh#
Seriously, it would be interesting to hear of any developments in this matter.
Perhaps a letter to the Planning Office at Truro? I have heard from a reliable source that Tescos are in the habit of buying property, adjoining/contiguous with theirs, simply to ensure that no one develops the site to their disadvantage; it may not be directly at risk of being lost, but it certainly is worth an attempt at being sure. Write to planningATcornwallDOTgovDOTuk FAO The Chief Planning Officer.

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