St Just 1967

St Just 1967

How much has changed?
1967 was before Lafrowda Close, the car park and associated public buildings were built. So there were fields bound roughly by Market Street, West Place, Bosorne Terrace, South Place, Lafrowda Terrace and Fore Street. I remember meeting with some friends, churchtown residents, and crossing the Plen from the clock and going down some little lane to get to Bosorne Terrace and marvelling that they knew this secret path when i'd always gone down Cape Cornwall Street to get around to that side.
Most of the building to the South of South Place is even more recent.
DDD will correct me if I've muddled any details.

Coming in to St Just on the bus, past Carn Bosavern garage, there was a wonderful view across the fields to the back of Fore Street, the Market Square and the buildings around the church , the gold lichen on the roof-tops. So wonderful that even my youthful self with little culture or appreciation of beauty recognised it.
The view is still there but with far more clutter in the foreground nowadays.

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