Clothing Ration Books - 2

Clothing Ration Books - 2

As it states on the booklet, no one could buy clothes without these coupons, and they could not be used until the appointed date and the booklet had been
officially declared valid. This generated a whole country that, for the most part, made do , and clothes were mended and passed down through the family, even to the point of adapting girl's clothes to be worn by boys and vice versa. Even when completely ragged, the clothes were used/recycled.
I had a bathing costume knitted from recycled wool. When being worn it was one hand for swimming and the other for keeping it on.
I remember an elderly gentleman (retired military officer we guessed) who used to travel home from Pz to somewhere on Morvah Carn on our school bus once or twice a week. My friend and I once saw him om Portheras beach in a khaki knitted cozzie and were never able to keep a straight face when we encountered him thereafter.
My old woolly cossie would have loved that Portheras beach. The capacity for the material fibres to pick up sand would have turned it into a divers belt.
My mother knitted my swimming costume for me... I remember looking a complete fool in this outfit
I remember my mum telling me about her knitted costume, in red white and blue [must have been for some Royal occasion] she said it was so hot she even got sun burnt through the extra button holes at the back.

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