Gwavas Quay c1900

Gwavas Quay c1900

Fradgan had a wharf since c1630; it was rebuilt c1770. Ocean Cottage is seen here centre, built 1863. The road was built across the Strand in 1908. To the right is the area that became known as Keel Alley. The new road was built on pillars, and allowed boats to pull up on Keel Alley.
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I must look for more postcards; I never know what is around until I look, and to think until yesterday I had never set foot on Fradgan.
Actually, rather than express astonishment at that last comment, I m inclined to understand it, somewhat. Being born and raised in Penzance, a visit to Newlyn was always approached with some trepidation. Talk of once you go over Newlyn Bridge, you might not come back , and general feelings of not belonging; if somebody s not born in Newlyn, they don t belong there, etc. I ve only recently visited Newlyn on my own a few times, previously always with someone for moral support.
Am I just daft, or do other Pz people feel the same?
No real offence to true Newlyners. ::15:
I think it all stems from the old rivalries, especially the Riots. Myself, it seems the final irony for vessels of Newlyn to be registration port letters PZ, I know it covers the whole of the Port from Lizard to Land s End, but Newlyn is the top fishing harbour in Britain. I cannot say that any location gives me feelings of trepidation, except a few years ago, Mousehole was traditionally enshrouded in mystery and popular boundary, especially as far as The Methodist Circuit was concerned. The stir caused by our entry as furriners from Penzance into the chapel could be cut with a knife.
Mousehole and Newlyn were always at war about the lifeboat and who crewed it, a lot was said when ti came to Newlyn.
This is another superb picture postcard treeve. There are a lot of very interesting and historical pictures out there. Unfortunately dealers got very greedy and what was a £2 card became a £5 to £10 card almost overnight. A real photo was generally around the £15 to £20 mark. How are prices comparing now?
The package today was ten for £2; included Falmouth, Newquay, Saltash, Port Gavern, etc ... The Penpol Terrace was the one for which I bought it.

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