A Daniel Place Garden 014

A Daniel Place Garden 014

Perhaps not so much of an interest now, but say in 50 or 100 years time, people might be interested in seeing what was in a small Penzance garden during the Summer of 2010.
These were shots not of a small Penzance Garden but of a bijou park, TabTab! How my old mum would have enjoyed these as it's just what she did with her backyard in Belgravia Street. Reminds me of the French writer who said, 'Il faut cultiver son jardin' - One must cultivate one's garden - though I think he was talking about life.
Thanks tpp! When we first moved in, it was just a bare concrete yard with a ramshackle shed in one corner and a few plants here and there. Some of the concrete I lifted to 'release the earth' and when we have some money, I'd like to dig up the remaining concrete, have more earth to plant in and lay some nice paving so we'll still have an area to sit on plus access to the washing line. The old shed was on a platform of blocks and then underneath that, I discovered someone at some point had buried an old metal bed frame - springs and all!

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