Cross Country Team 1967 (Grammar Schools Champions)

Cross Country Team 1967 (Grammar Schools Champions)

Back row: Mr Mason, Mike Dennis, Rob McCabe, -?-, -?-, Roger Brooks, Roger Randall, Nick Blandford, John Goody, -?-, Roger James, -?-, -?-Middle row: Peter Rodda, J Barrett, -?-, Peter Moyle, Kevan Summerlee, -?-, -?-, Bob Buntine, Roger MatthewsFront row: Steve Peggs, Neil Irish, Johnny Walker, -?-, Andrew Treadwell, Peter Richards, Gareth Tonkin, David Davies
I can confirm absolutely that Andrew Treadwell is the chap in the front row - his brother Jeremy was a close friend of mine for several years and I was often around his house, also Andrew was my Patrol Leader in Scouts
Also, to Andrew's left I believe is Peter Richards - he was my neighbour for a few years when very young
To the left of Roger (not Peter) Matthews is Bob Buntine (me), who for some reason is always labelled as Mike Summerlee. I did not emigrate to New Zealand. I ended up as a headteacher in Northampton. Not quite as exciting!Note: Nick Blandford was Head Boy for a year.
Thanks Bob. It's not until I checked for your comments that I realised I'd missed the December 2010 comments on this image!! Better late than never I suppose.

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