a tunnel

a tunnel

had to crop this a lot ppfffffffffff
This is really good - no problems in cropping (whatever your letters mean) that is largely on what photography relies, but it would have been a totally fantastic picture if you had levelled the horizon as well; wonderful shimmering green light.
1.5 degrees to the right and it becomes magic. ;)
That s a problem I have too. It is so hard to get the horizon straight when the rest of the world is on a slant. Great pic though ::6:
Not finding fault - all my pictures have a 1 or two degree slant to the right; I sort them out in the computer.
Just a suggestion. ;)
In the spirit of cameraderie and help, I am starting a thread in the Forum to cover queries or problems in photography and in image handling, and I hope that our more knowledgable and experienced photographers will contribute.

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