charlottes egg

charlottes egg

Charlottes first egg of the season, a lovely blue/green shell. Similar to a duck egg but smaller in size.
'Tis a nice colour! I'm guessing that's where the breed gets its name from? Do any of your other hens lay eggs outside the white to brown range?
@tt13, No other colours, just the usual white, cream, brown.
I must admit I was surprised to see it. I had forgotten that I was told she lays bluey/green eggs. She laid another today so I am thinking she must be happy living here ~ and spoilt.::15:
missp - I'm sure you'd be interested in this (if you've not come across it already):

a site about chicken welfare and what the campaigners are up to - and what you can do too to help those not as fortunate as your brood. ::15:
is a lovely light bluey colour, glad she laying eggs, they are all early for laying eggs this year aren't they? which is good for you of course!
@tt13, I have joined a site called The Poultry Site, they are much the same. They raise a lot of issues with battery hens and support the BHWT (Battery Hens Welfare Trust) 100%
Although my girls are not battery hens, at 2 yrs old are considered 'old' to the egg farmer and would have slaughtered them for cat food or chicken nuggets etc. They still have another 2/3 years laying, so thats good enough for me.
I reckon it's a blackbird's egg!

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