Daniel Place

Daniel Place

Why is this a Place not a Street I wonder? (1990. Taken from a video, hence the quality.)
Lovely picture. Typical of the time Penzance people owned cars that were 15 or 20 years old. It was a privileged few that could own a new car. This car is a 1974 Simca 1000 (that s the model year the registration year was 1978). What ever happened to Simca our French counterparts? I remember they merged into Chrysler Europe and the rest is history.
Ah yes the S plate special the Leyland advert loosely based on the theme of the six- five special ::15: ::15:
I had a great aunt living in Daniel Place, back in the 60s. She was affected by the bad storms, water half way up the walls, coming up the streets off the prom, into side streets and coming in her front door. We used to cycle into Penzance in the summer evenings, and sometimes if the weather turned bad, we would leave our bikes at her place and catch the bus home.

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