Inside the School Now a house

Inside the School Now a house

Privileged we were at being allowed inside.......the sinks as they were...but didn't remember them until I saw them...and if you look to the right of the picture you will see just a small bit of the hooks for our coats and bags etc for which I remember name tags to be given to each peg (don't remember all the names before you ask!) and if you look at the floor, the square tiley paving flooring still the same!! as it was. Does anyone remember any of this who went to this school?? would love to hear from you.
It s really great to see all these small wash basins intact. Today s owners must like owning a school!
TPP this photo reminded me of the cloakroom at St.Mary's RC! As you came in the main door there were two classrooms on the left and the cloakroom and toilets were on the right, there was also (if my memory serves) a couple steps down from the cloakroom a room where we used to go for our medical check ups. I remember getting my BCG jab there.

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