Merchant seamen WW1

Merchant seamen WW1

My Dad's there who the rest are I have no idea and there is no one
around to ask
The crew lists will be on record, either at Liverpool, National Records, or at Newfoundland. The main thing is that you have the name of the ship and the approx date. Should not be too difficult, but may be expensive to get the details. Have you your father s CRS10 (Seamans Pouch)?
I am wondering if this is the SS Sutton that was built 1920 and sunk in 1925? I see no record for an SS Sutton for WWI years on the National Archives. What can you tell me?
sorry Treeve this is all I have (a photo) as to my fathers pouch that disappeared years ago, seeing that the SS Sutton foundered could the lifebelt be flotsom ??
There will be a copy pouch at one or other repository, hopefully. You could always first check your Dad s name on National Archives, under the years and BT reference. It would give all of his ships and the dates, and ports. Key factor is that it will then give the Official Numbers, from which crew lists can be eventually found in 95% of cases. As you say, the lifebelt could be flotsam, I could try and tie in known details of the Sutton and the vessel in the photograph, but there is not much to go on.
They have the crew lists for two Lapwing vessels of about 1925. I have come across two Lapwing vessels in my writing on other subjects.
I found it very rewarding to complete my Uncle s life at sea, and finished off a lot of other stories in the process.

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