The eating area

The eating area

Fletcher's Restaurant over the amusement arcade (Pavilions) in 1999

Was in the style of an American restaurant.
OMG! totally different from when I last went for a meal here!
thanks for uploading these!!
Do you know! I've never been upstairs there either then or as a Chinese restaurant. Down below I remember comedian Arthur English giving a speech after a play at the closing down of the place as a theatre. I was about twelve (?) with my mother and dropped a bottle as he spoke and felt embarrassed when he said, They're demolishing the place already! I also remember drumming with brushes for a pianist in there later when there was a sort of regular cabaret show and I was about sixteen.
They used to give you funny little plastic aprons to protect your clothes if eating ribs! I do have photos but have to protect the innocent... :D
The family and I ate there a lot when it was Fletchers, even eve's out with friends we usually ended up there, good food, reasonable prices, and full plates. Never bothered to go there after it changed.

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