

The 1934 borough boundary stone at the end of the footpath from the A3071. The inscription is very faint on this stone, but can still be made out.
Excellent, one to find (along with the Price s Folly at Tredavoe) and another to discover in the undergrowth off Mousehole.
Mousehole one undiscoverable (is that a word?) - been there today, nothing to see. Was sure you could just walk straight up to it.
I note a lot of 4x4s use the lane .... there is also a condiderable amount of undergrowth, as well as building work has been competed over the years in the lane; so you have also discovered the hidden nature of the 1934 Boundary Stone. Frankly, it should not be up to the public to watch out for these; Just imagine the legal loopholes that may arise in a Council s claims, without that stone in its proper position and legible.

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Beating the Bounds
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