
  1. Easter Chickens Hand Crafted

    Easter Chickens Hand Crafted

    we have been busy on pp making these cute little chickens in time for Easter, each holds a Cadbury Creme Egg and will be on sale for £1 EACH, we are also asking for donations for white/yellow wool, mini eggs,Cadbury Creme Eggs, ribbons etc Thank you in advance xx
  2. new chooks 5

    new chooks 5

    An Andalusian Blue and a Black Australorp
  3. new chooks 3

    new chooks 3

    Three old girls, not impressed with new arrivals
  4. new chooks 1

    new chooks 1

    A little bit subdued
  5. new chooks 2

    new chooks 2

    Finding their way around
  6. new chooks 4

    new chooks 4

    New girls arrived today
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