
  1. Penzance Laundry, New Street - May 1977

    Penzance Laundry, New Street - May 1977

    My wife and I recall a lovely, jolly lady who worked behind the counter here and received our bed linen from Rosemary Cottage in Abbey Place. She was called Mrs Sampson and my mother who lived at the top of New Street commissioned her to knit some fine matinee jackets for our first child, a...
  2. Steam Laundry

    Steam Laundry

    Penzance Sanitary Steam Laundry, 1927; next door down from St Michael's Housing, New Street. My aunt worked here, in between being domestic. They also did colour dying here. Note the short stools to aid those of lower stature. Baskets everywhere, which were made in Newlyn and Penzance.
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