39. Obstacles to be got over ............. 7
40. Rung at start of question 14 .......... 4
41. Waved by conductor .................... 5
42. Is this game played on one leg .......... 8
43. Old Jowett car or Jet fighter ................ 7
44. Boaters without apples ............... 7. 5
45. This car maker uses 80% of the games' emblem ........ 4
46. 72 hour job with horses .......... 5. 3. 5
47. Final target ................ 9. 4
48. Try again after this ............... 5. 5
49. Is this event a killer ........... 4
50 Are the doors locked after this .......... 7. 8
40. Rung at start of question 14 .......... 4
41. Waved by conductor .................... 5
42. Is this game played on one leg .......... 8
43. Old Jowett car or Jet fighter ................ 7
44. Boaters without apples ............... 7. 5
45. This car maker uses 80% of the games' emblem ........ 4
46. 72 hour job with horses .......... 5. 3. 5
47. Final target ................ 9. 4
48. Try again after this ............... 5. 5
49. Is this event a killer ........... 4
50 Are the doors locked after this .......... 7. 8