All the answers refer to objects, subjects or persons etc. (both modern and in the past) that could be found in schools from infant to adult.
1. Essential to see in all schools 6
2. Award in Fahrenheit or Centigrade 6
3. Source of punishment grown in garden 4
4. Type of school for gardeners 7
5. Where instructions for gym lessons are written 8, 4
6. This keeps a student warm 6
7. Sounds like window ledge for a writing implement 6
8. This writes better than cheese 5
9. Model of car for senior student 7
10. Type of exam for witches 8, 4
1. Essential to see in all schools 6
2. Award in Fahrenheit or Centigrade 6
3. Source of punishment grown in garden 4
4. Type of school for gardeners 7
5. Where instructions for gym lessons are written 8, 4
6. This keeps a student warm 6
7. Sounds like window ledge for a writing implement 6
8. This writes better than cheese 5
9. Model of car for senior student 7
10. Type of exam for witches 8, 4