Sweat Shirt

Sweat Shirt

Here we have a Zero Club Staff Sweat shirt, This is one that Steff has kept all these years
as you know the Zero Club has been closed for....well we were trying to work it out the other day
it must be around 14/15 years ago??
And is now the Abbey Restaurant.
Is it around 14/15 years ago that this club closed its doors????? anyone please put us out of our arguments!! laugh# someone must know?
does anyone remeber Demelza s across from the promanade, they used to have roller disco s there. I believe it was the old wintergarden dance hall before that, I maybe wrong.
If you go to the user gallery and under Trewlaneybird pics you ll find some pictures of inside Demelza s ::6: ::15: laugh#
I remember the wints/Demalza s used to go every week with out fail. We used to squirt water on the floor when the roller disco was on!!!SORRY sad#
I used to work behind the bar in the wints in the 60's and in the 70's played many a gig there inc support for bands like, Tremelos, Marmalade, Mud, Alvin stardeust to name a few.

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The Zero club Penzance
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