Jubilee pool

Jubilee pool

Here we have a pic kindly supplied by Mrs Jilbert
and as you can see someone actually diving off from the board
In the late 50's I used to jump off that board just to get in, ahhhh those were the days..........elf and saftey... gone way over the top nowadays, don't run, no diving etc etc, it's a bleeding swimming pool.::8:
We used to have fun swimming under the raft at the pool. Who knows why - guess we thought it was dangerous! The slide was fun too - unless the water running down it was only a trickle and you'd end up taking the skin off your backside just before hitting the water - yowser! Or those slightly overweight would grind to a halt halfway down - much to the amusements of others ...
The slide was brill, got my butt stuck more than once, but as you say the raft was great, but they took it out in case someone got stuck under it,......... if you could swim to it you could swim under it.........dah....gets my mad up.::11:::11:
Totally agree with you on Elf and Safety - just when you think it can't possibly get any more ludicrous, some bright spark comes up with something even more ridiculous. Can't be much fun being a kid these days - though I do envy them mountain bikes. Skidding around the woods on my more traditional Rayleigh bike was fun - but not as much fun as it could have been!
What about the simple things like playing conkers,(with safety glasses) or other games, makes my blood (wine) boil.::1:::1:
Conkers were excellent - we'd spend hours searching for the biggest ones you could find and then experiment with them so that they would become so hard, they'd be able to withstand re-entry into the earth's atmosphere! Wonder if young kids today actually know what conkers are ...?!
Conkers...we used to soak ours in vineger for several days
and then let them air dry after which they were hard as rocks but they tended to shatter at times when hit right..
simple things we passed time with as kids....

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