Market Jew Street

Market Jew Street

Can you date this?
Yes, isn t it. I claim no credit; As I explain in the notes for this album, I know very little about this set of pictures. There are several others of Penzance that I will load over next few days.
I m grateful to have this site to allow me to share these.
There are a fair number of clues as to date, particularly the flat front truck, and the striped road sign, and WJ Cornish Haulage Contractor s sign.
The sign on the wall says New Town this the road that is now between Pound stretcher and The Wimpy? if so this looks smaller in the picture above.
Penzance Gas Company building was erected in about 1908 and designed by Oliver Caldwell. The building was demolished in 1967 and Tesco was built there. Now it is Poundstretcher.
I didn t know that denanmor, I don t remember that building. I thought Tesco opened in 1965 or possibly 1966, no later. Is my memory at fault?
I remember the gas showroom! My uncle worked for the gas company and he and my aunt had no children so I always received an invitation to the children's Christmas party at the gas company and it was held in the showroom.
I remember the little sweet shop just down from the gas company where one would have to go up three steps and
through a barn door which had one of those bells on a spring,
next door I believe was Hendy's fishmonger who later moved
across the street....
Such a narrow pavement, I wonder how we'd be coping today if those buildings hadn't been demolished and built further back?

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