Penzance Promenade

Penzance Promenade

Penzance Promenade after Ash Wednesday storm 7th March 1962 picture uploaded by Simon Row1
Of course we will, this was nothing compared to 1817. Penzance has been kicked and blown a number of times, and what we have had this last century was but a burst ballon compared to some. I tell you this much, I hope when it does that I am fit and able to be down there getting the pictures whilst it happens; I also hope and trust we get no more mad brained ideas as to protection and I pray that no one gets hurt or loses life.
Actually, looking at the damage done in 1880 and 1895, we got off quite lightly in 1962. I am not being morose, or negative here when I say - we are definitely going to get a bad sea/tide/weather combination again.
I was at St Marys school at the time of these storms, and hated the place!! So when this storm arrived it was a happy time for a lot of us as the school had to stay closed (cant remember for how long) bliss !!!

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