Shores of San Lorenzo

Shores of San Lorenzo

The detritis of a caring society drifts aimlessly and unthinking as an expression of Bokonist Thought (if such a thing exists), what beauty was there before is swept away on a tide of a slow World Destruction. [Read the book].
I was later standing by the shore over near the bus station as is my wont. I heard a group of visitors arrive beside me and they peered over the wall and grimaced 'What an horrible smell - just look at all that rubbish, disgusting'. That was amongst the sea defences. This is in front of Coulson's.
I remember last year seeing Council workmen a few times going along the beach picking up rubbish, leading up to and during summer. Haven't seen that this year - perhaps I've just been walking by at the wrong time, or perhaps it's cutbacks. Perhaps it would be an idea to have a large bin of sorts at Wherrytown for beach rubbish? I'm sure I'm not the only one who would help and pick stuff up while walking along the beach if there was somewhere to put it, rather than have to lug it home. I've done it a few times, but gone to the waste bins on the Prom and they're often pretty full. More cutbacks resulting in less emptying perhaps?
There are a group of stalwart men who spend considerable time and effort in cleaning our beaches, my point here is that no matter what is done to 're-generate' there is always that fringe ready to abuse and destroy that which is good for the whole. I spent a while in discussion with one a few weeks back, the amount of waste products collected is obscene. It would be so much more respectful if the products could be taken home by the perpetrator, or placed in the correct receptacle, of which there are many in town. The packets are carried to the beach full, why not taken away empty. The official Cut Backs obviously also affect initiative of applied brain cells, bureaucratically speaking. :)
It just makes you wonder how much time and money is wasted dealing with the problem whereas it could sorted for free if was dealt with at source if the people who left the rubbish just took it away with them - you got room to bring it - you got room to take it away. Moving inland, I've lost count of the number of times I've been out in pristine countryside only to come across empty coke cans, crisp wrappers and other such things.
I lay the blame entirely on the shoulders of those small minded accountants and infinitessimally small minded bureaucrats - cutting work force, increasing machines, and avoiding at all costs upsetting the offenders governed by some quasi Utopian Political Correctness. The discipline of self responsibilty was learned out of respect for others and the family. The basic lesson is there in Nature. Animals do not defecate in their own Beds/Nests/Neighbourhood. Many so called higher specie do.
Message - get out there and K.A. (translate roughly as 'bring sharp contact to bear with foot against gluteus maximus').

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