Cross Country Team 1963

Cross Country Team 1963

Back row: P. Slater, Dyson, Terry Edwards, M. Paul, Holman, Delbridge, -?-, Noy, Terry Sampson
Middle row: A. Waller, McCabe, Mike Lawry, Viv Carne, -?-, Alford, D. Rundell, (Leggo)?, -?-, Les Shaw, Mike Dennis, Mr Mason
Front row: Paul Gazzard, -?-, -?-, Kenny Maule, David Morgan, -?-, Ian Box, Mike Jasper, -?-, -?-

Thanks to Mike Dennis for the photo.
Thanks for the name Andrew.
I see General Election fever has taken hold!
This would make Geoff 'Perry' Mason, middle row, extreme right. Somehow I don't think so!!
I have inserted a few names and made what I believe are a few correctionsBack row: Robin Kewell (I don't think so!), Dyson, Terry C. Edwards, M. Paul Holman, Delbridge, -?-, Noy, Terry SampsonMiddle row: A. Waller, McCabe, Mike Lawry, Viv Carne, -?-, Alford, D. Rundell, Leggo?, -?-, Les Shaw, Mike Dennis, Mr MasonFront row: Paul Gazzard, -?-, -?-, Kenny Maule, David Morgan, -?-, Ian Box, Mike Jasper, -?-, -?-
Thanks "trepolpen" - changes and additions duly noted. You're right, extreme left back row is not Robin Kewell. Now identified as P. Slater

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