Old Penwithians Golf Tournament 2011

Old Penwithians Golf Tournament 2011

(played in Jan 2012)

Andrew Coak (OPA Secretary), Chris Roach, Simon Pengelly, Gerald Jenkin, Frank Blewett, John Lees, Frank Curnow (RGS), Phil Thomas, David Phillips, David James, Jimmy Glover, Eddy Stephenson.
Just for you BayOfPlenty I've made some enquiries and the concensus of opinion is that this is the David Phillips who taught Physics at HDGS in the late 1970's. He was only there for a very short time - came in as a supply teacher covering a long absence through illness of another member of staff. David we think went on to teach Maths at Truro School. He was, apparently, a very good cricketer and played squash at a high level.
Thanks for that, OP - I've been scratching my head over that one. If I recall correctly, he served two stints at HDGS and did indeed on occasion stand in when our regular Maths teacher was absent. A pleasant chap, as I remember.

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