St Marys RC School 1954

St Marys RC School 1954

This 1954 pano image was supplied by Tommy and Rene Bennetts
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Reactions: jimdel
Love the nun s habits! Changed from this penguin style to a more basic blue habit in my day. In fact they may be a different order?
..And of course the one on the left is nun other than our dear Mother Philomena, the person we can all thank for building the new St Marys RC Primary at Peverell Road, being its head teacher for so many years until her retirement when she and her fellow Presentation Sisters of Penzance built and ran St Marys Haven. How tragic that the current Trustees of the Haven, led by the RC Parish priest have seen fit to now use the Charity as a cash cow for the glorification of RC church in Rosvean Road. Mother is still alive and kicking, though life for her and her fellow inmates in the Haven is dead now that the Day Centre has been abandoned because it doesn't make the sort of money the Trustees crave for their material aims. If you'd like to find out more about how these people have trashed a legacy please come along to the Public Meeting at 7 pm on 7 June in Conference Room 1 at St Clare One-Stop-Shop. You'll be in for a real eye-opener. If you'd like to see the glorification of the church interior, including the full renovation of the church organ - The King of Instruments as they call it, go and ask Father for a look around, but don't ask him about his responsibility as the Chairman of Trustees of St Mary's Haven Charity, he might consider that as abuse.
@symons55 Recognised Mother Philomena, just about Mr Fawn, don't think he was there when I was, though Mr Fisher was, they went to Heamoor. Sad that school and convent gone. All the money In Rome and nuns got treated like that. @symons55

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