Lariggan Brook Outfall - 11

Lariggan Brook Outfall - 11

As I expected, the beach has found its own level, completely blocking the outfall.
Guess what? Lariggan Brook is blocked, and flooding is imminent.
This is a job for Bicycle Repair Man, clearly the previous bunch had not the slightest inkling of water management, shingle transmigration or shore defence work. This incompetence will cost the taxpayer dearly; when I began work in architecture and engineering, the professional did his job for a sensible fee, and delivered, he managed the workforce and got the job done properly, making sure that the quality of work was at least average, but mostly excellent. If he did not, the difference came out of his fee.
13th April 2009
That is all water built up behind the shingle plug; the left hand side of the bridge has been removed; as to where the granite is, is anyone s guess; in the hands of that bunch, they could be anywhere. The culvert base, as far as I can determine, is higher than it used to be; the left has been adapted, which has resulted in the sections being asymmetrical. The bridge was widened some time ago that is another reason for this travesty. Just how do they think it has worked all these years?
A good thing they built the cruise missile proof defences at Three Tunnels , because I clearly remember the threat of the Red Army. That scuppered their plans to invade by sneaking tanks up Chyandour!
In fact - what you have just mentioned is a direct case in point - the culverted streams there are much longer. If I sat down for an afternoon, I could calculate the comparative flows and provide a water management programme, but I retired in 2000 and I have no intention of giving anyone freebies as to how it should be done. They must work it out the way I did. With intelligence, attention to detail and history, care for the environment and heritage. Not exactly rocket science.

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