Prefects & House Officials 1950

Prefects & House Officials 1950

Not quite the response you wanted, but i read on an old rugby forum - "You know your Cornish when................You remember when Roger Shaw was plain Roger Ollerenshaw".
I'm pleased that this image has attracted some comments but I'm a little confused because Roger Ollerearnshaw (Roger Shaw) is not in this photograph ! I think you're getting him confused with the chap behind Mr. Rising in the middle of the back row. That's Brian Hearn. He was a prefect in 1951 and was captain of the Football 1st Team in the 1951/52 season.
I remember Brian Hearn,he was good at everything ! I changed my name to A.N.Other to guarantee a game in the Pirates Colts /Mounts Bay sides ! I have since become a succesful nonentity ! Anyone from 1947-52 still alive and kicking ?
Thanks for the comment Tom. One of my contemporaries at school was like that - good at all sports and a brainbox with it. Don't know if it was this or the fact that he had red hair that the girls went for but he was good at that too! There are a good number of the 1947-52 vintage still ploughing their furrow - Jimmy Glover, Peter Luke, Roger Veal and Bill North to name but a few.

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